The Warrior Soft Performance Foam Rollers come in all shapes and sizes to accommodate any fitness workout or rehab / physical therapy routine! Our quality, performance-minded foam rollers are made of dense and textured foam, so you won’t roll off! A good quality foam roller is a fundamental Pilates prop in many mat exercises, can add support and a deeper stretch to many yoga poses, and will sooth shin splints and sore muscles through deep tissue release when used as a physical therapy tool. Improve strength, coordination, and balance with the help of our simple Warrior foam roller.
Why Foam Rolling? If you think of all the knots, scar tissue, tightness in your soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments, myofascia), it’s pretty significant. All those soft tissue conditions add up and can cause you pain and problems. Using a foam roller allows you to do self myofascial releases – in simple terms, it is a massage that gets all the knots, tightness, and scar tissue out. Common uses include the quads, hamstring, IT band but it can be used for almost any part of the body.
So incorporate the foam roller into your daily practice or workout and we promise you the benefits will be tremendous!

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